I have the following equipment for immediate sale. The equipment is about 8 years old. It all looks to be in good condition. We are collecting offers on the whole package. Please let me know if you are interested. The space might be available.
4 Apple Keyboard
5 Apple Mac Mini
Apple Server
Eye Design Optical Dispensing Desk
Apple Optikam Ipad
Apple Optikam Eye Stick
Optisource Pupilometer
2 Human Scale Optical Dispensing Stool
Eye Design Frame Board
Eye Design Built in cabinets
HAA6-Streit Slit Lamp
Reichert Phoroptor
Reliance 7800 Stand
Reliance FX920 Chair
M&S Technology Eyechart
M&S Technology Eyechart attachments
Lens O Meter
Icare TA011 Tonometer
Trial Lens
Zeiss Retina Camera
Nidek Auto Refractor
Zeiss 800 Humphrey Matrix
Nidek Lensmeter
Call and make an offer
Overland Park, KS
Anne Schaeffer